Saturday, August 19, 2006

Agent Funny Face versus the Cyclists

Ripping open the throttle, Funny Face shot off into the night. The cyclists pursuing him stuck right to him. He spotted one of them pulling out a hand gun. Veering hard to the right he forced the cyclist to replace his hand on the handle bars to stick the turn out. Then he veered again the other direction. They couldn’t nail him if they were too busy trying to maneuver. The tracking signal was getting fainter. He had to catch up! Veering into an alley he roared down the alley way getting ahead of the two pursuing riders. At the end of the alley way he spun around the corner and slid to a stop. He whipped out his dart pistol. Using his x-ray vision he aimed at the riders and seconds later as they burst through he opened fire. The two riders shot past him and he disabled one of their bikes with a well placed shot. Then he raced back through the alley gaining an even larger lead.

The tracking signal was very faint now! He gunned his engine and plugged in his hand held computer to his glasses. A see through map popped up on his glasses and he began following the tracking signal with a visual guide. Suddenly half a dozen cyclists roared out of an alley ahead of him! Blast! Where did they get all these henchmen from? They seemed to be everywhere! Veering into an alley, Funny Face could hear them roaring after him. Bring it on! He thought viciously. He took a short cut and leaped a large dumpster. He quickly roared out into the street and glanced around. His x-ray vision picked up the six riders in a pack following a little ways back. He had to split them up if possible…He ducked down another alley way and then continued following the signal. He checked back and the cyclists were fanning out to pick up his trail again. Good. Let them come! They could eat his exhaust for all he cared. He had a job to do and now there was nothing between him and the Big Man.

He began to close the distance between himself and his quarry. In another hour he had a visual of his target. The car was zooming down another deserted street. Funny Face gunned his engines and roared after it! He was racing down the street when he suddenly caught a flicker of orange on one of the roof tops. It looked like it was holding a rifle and Funny Face suddenly ducked down. A bullet whined past where his head had been moments before. Suddenly Funny Face spotted half a dozen guys through a wall. He jerked the motorcycle away and glanced back towards the sniper. Thinking fast, he threw himself down to the ground and let the motorcycle continue racing off. The sniper just missed and the six men leaped out and shredded the motorcycle with their submachine guns and shotguns. Scrambling to his feet, Funny Face ducked into an alleyway. The six men who ambushed him didn’t seem to know where he had gone but the sniper still knew. If that sniper was smart he would be relocating. Funny Face suddenly heard several other motorcycles race into the area. The tracking signal was gone now…he had failed. But at least he was still alive. Suddenly a thought occurred to him. They knew he had been following that vehicle. It was the only explanation for how this trap had been set up so well. That sniper had been expecting him…so…maybe his targets had switched vehicles? That would be logical. So maybe he still had a chance! Well now he had to start all over again. First to find that sniper though. That sniper was a good shot and he had been lucky to avoid those first couple shots. He would need more than luck to get that sniper now.

Sitting patiently in a new spot, the sniper snapped a fresh clip of bullets into his rifle. This Funny Face was better than expected. He might actually get a run for his money taking out Funny Face. But he had never failed and the $25,000 was as good as his as soon as he placed a bullet between that fellow’s crazy glasses. It was amazing that the fellow had seen him though…how had he done that? Something about the glasses? Suddenly the sniper frowned…it was entirely possible that the glasses had some sort of vision enhancing gadget built into them. In this dark it couldn’t be anything other than infrared vision or night vision. So he would just have to hamper his opponent. Time to relocate to a more defensible position. He had just the spot in mind. There were plenty of lead sheets in that ware house. He had only to cover his hiding place in several layers of lead and it would do quite a bit to insulate him from any infra red and night vision this fellow had!

1 comment:

John said...

Ah, yes, that wiley sniper man, will he ever learn that AFF has fate on his side? He is the main character, after all.