Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Beginning

The Adventures of Agent Funny Face

Well for those of you who have chat with me, you probably all know who Agent Funny Face is. I couldn't get his picture to upload though because it was too large. So those of you who are not acquainted with Agent FF, I feel for you. It is going to be slightly less funny for you since you have never seen him at least in a photo. But that is ok. Jonathan by day, Agent Funny Face by night! He sneaks through the back alleys of the world using his ace gunmanship, quick wit, and abnormal luck to save the world in spite of his strange clumsiness.

It was a dark night. The rain pattered down softly over a silhouetted figure hunched over in the doorway of an abandoned warehouse. This section of town was overrun by drug lords and their goons. No one wandered the streets unarmed here. The figure spotted something move in the rain. His sharp eyes instantly picked out the hunched form of three henchmen trudging through the rain. They were followed by a business man. Starting forward with a slight swagger the silhouette lurched forward in a drunken gait. Slurring his words, he hailed the henchmen who looked at each other and laughed before shoving him aside. Falling flat on his face in the muddy street, the silhouette remained still. Just as the businessman passed, he leaped to his feet. completely coherent and shoving a gun to the man's temple!

"Nobody move or he gets it!" Agent Funny Face shouted. The henchmen spun around and submachine guns appeared in their hands. Nobody moved and the businessman shouted for his men to put down their guns. Funny Face, aka FF, smiled and backed away with the businessman. "So Sting Ray," he addressed the man. "I finally caught up with you. I have a couple questions." They had backed into a warehouse and he was hurrying the man toward his car. There was a sudden "click!". Agent Funny Face, startled hit the dirt. Stingray raced off as automatic fire began blasting the dark warehouse to shreds. Diving forward he stumbled over a crate. A dozen bullets wizzed over his head. Falling behind the crate, a figure loomed up and shredded the crate with its submachine gun. Face glanced out from behind his chewed up crate and leaped to his feet. Gun swinging toward his assailant, he pulled the trigger and blasted the submachine gun from his opponents hands. Suddenly Face's pants snagged on a splintered crate and jerked him to the ground with a resounding "RRRRIIIIIIPPPPP!" His gun went flying off into the darkness. "Blast it!" Face muttered and glanced peered into the darkness. It was fairly quiet but he could hear shouts and running feet coming closer. The wounded henchman was scrabbling around in the dark looking for his gun. Face leaped for him and knocked him out. Face then glanced around frantically looking for his gun to no avail as the lights burst on in a brilliant blaze of brightness. Blinded, he reeled backwards and heard shouts. "There they are!" Machine guns began blasting away and he dove to the ground. Bullets spattered all around him. His eyes adjusted and he suddenly spotted his gun, lying on the ground ten feet away. He had miraculously landed behind a crate however it wouldn't last long though as splinters were flying in all directions. The other henchman was dead. Shot through dozens of times by his cold companions. His submachine gun however was only 6 feet in the opposite direction from Face's pistol. Face leaped towards the submachine gun. In a flash he had it in his hand. Doing a forwards somersault, he checked the clip. Must be about ten shots left! He pushed off with his feet and dove backwards towards the diminishing crate and his gun again and everything slowed slow motion he threw his head back and "TACTACTACTACTAC!" He shot his pistol. It soared into the air landing in his outstretched hand. Discarding the submachine gun, Face braced himself and leaped!


John said...

Simply Fantastic!

I must add link to my blog!

But can't access blog! Darn blog!

Copy and paste this code into a post to show the agent funny face pic from your xanga:

<img src=""/>

Haha, excellent.

Anonymous said...

Nice! WEll... not nice. Mean. But good addition. Lizzy's here... just walked in.
Ummm... AFF leaped for the ground? Wouldn't "dove" be more suiting? /:)

Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

haha! Well I suppose dove might work as say the same thing in less are probably right. Maybe you can edit all my posts for me or something...:-)