Sunday, August 20, 2006

Agent Funny Face versus the Sniper

It was dark and the street was teeming with thugs toting submachine guns and other automatic weapons. A shredded motorcycle lay demolished in the middle of the road and the men were all nervous casting glances over their shoulders and watching all the alleys. Agent Funny Face was slowly making his way along in the shadows. He would move a few feet and whenever one of the men glanced his way he stopped dead still. Suddenly a man appeared with a flashlight. He shone it down several alley ways and most of the thugs were following him, their hands were fiddling nervously with their guns. AFF didn’t want to attract any attention from this lot. They were too nervous. It was now four in the morning and AFF was thoroughly tired. It would be light out soon and he wanted to get home and get to sleep. But he also wanted to see about this sniper…he might just have to go to bed though and try again another day.

Suddenly the man with the flashlight passed it right over Agent Funny Face. The beam swung back and pinned him in the light. “There he is! Get ‘im boys!” the man screamed. Funny Face was out of there! Leaping to his feet he dove behind a trash can as the street exploded into gunfire. I have seriously got to bring some smoke grenades next time! He thought to himself. Can’t continue getting caught like this! His trash can was about totaled and he sprinted to a dumpster when the firing paused. He dove spun sideways and fired several darts at his assailants. He thought he hit two before the dumpster separated them. Glancing at the neat slits of bullets along his coat, he quickly cocked his dart pistol and loaded a full clip in. He spotted a warehouse. The door appeared unlocked and he ducked inside. It would be several minutes before the enemy found him here…in the mean time he could find a good place to hold out or find an exit and get away! His eyes ran across the interior investigating the warehouse automatically. He turned up his infrared vision to spot anyone and then switched to a combination of infrared and night vision. Using his X-Ray vision he checked on the progress of the thugs through the door. He quickly blocked the door. There appeared to be an exit on the other side of the warehouse and plenty of boxes to provide cover. A pile of metal sheets off in the corner attracted his interest. He decided they would make an excellent cover if he had to hole up in here. He started walking through the warehouse. It was ominously quiet in here…suddenly he felt uneasy and glanced about and spotted amongst the metal sheets an orange hand! He dove and heard a gunshot at the same time. A bullet ripped into his right shoulder exactly where his heart would have been a split second ago. It spun him around and sent his glasses flying. He had to get his glasses! Quickly applying pressure to his wound he made his way feeling along the ground. It was pitch black inside the warehouse. How had the sniper evaded his sensors? The pile of metal! It must be lead or a similar type of metal…that blocked the gamma rays and prevented him from spotting the killer. Suddenly an inspiration hit him. In order to see him the sniper had to be using night vision! He had seen a light switch not too far…his shoulder was really hurting now. He crawled to his knees and quickly dragged himself to where he had seen the light switch. The sniper’s boots were softly approaching him and he frantically scrabbled his hand up to where the light switch was. He felt it! Jerking it down the lights came on in the warehouse. At first he was blinded but then he could see. His glasses lay not too far and the sniper was standing in the open blinded by the sudden transition from dark to light. AFF’s glasses lay on the ground twenty feet away. Quickly stunning the sniper, AFF lurched towards the glasses and staggered out with them. Now he really had to get out. He paused to catch his breath and apply a rude bandage. Then he slowly sent an emergency transmission requesting pick up. The cops would track the signal and a chopper would pick him up and whisk him away to a hospital…that done he had only to stay conscious until rescue arrived. 5 minutes later a chopper dropped a rescue team and picked up AFF, whisking him away to safety. Now he could catch up on some badly needed sleep.

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