Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Boss

The building was very large and the radio antenna had a good range from this vantage point. A big man in an expensive suit paced the room listening to the incoming radio reports.

"I think we...cshshhshhhhhhhhchshhhhhhh...need back up! He shot up half of...cshhhhchshshshhs...he's too good for my men!" came in the reports. The big man suddenly slammed his fist on a table with a map of the city on it. There were little flags indicating sightings of their quarry, the unknown agent, Agent Funny Face. This agent was getting too close to his operation. He wanted him eliminated immediately and none of his men seemed able to keep up with the agent. What he needed was the best assassins and hired guns money could buy or he was sunk. He smiled slightly and picked up the phone.

Agent Funny Face was moving as fast as he could. He was combing through the area looking for the base where the radio men reported in. They would have something there. It couldn't be any farther than 5 miles away because these weren't super long range radios�but 5 miles was a big radius to search. He had just left another warehouse.

Adjusting his nose, AFF clicked on the x-ray vision and the infrared vision for good measure. The combination would speed his searching. He hurried up and down the streets in the semi-darkness of evening. The sun had disappeared and the last light was fading from the sky. He brought up a mental image of the map and began figuring out where the best locations for a radio station would be. Some place that was big. The warehouses were all big though. He quickly ducked into some shadows and pulled out a cord from his pocket. It was attached to his palm computer and plugged into his glasses. Immediately the screen came up. Agent Funny Face quickly placed the mouse over map file and blinked twice to select it. He continually peered through the glasses to make sure he hadn't been found while he searched for possible sites. There were four main buildings that would make good bases for a master radio to coordinate everyone. The nearest was about half a mile away. A long walk especially in enemy territory. Couldn't call for back up just yet though. He set out quickly after unplugging the computer and resetting his glasses to x-ray and infrared vision. His radio crackled and he listened to the new deployments of more gangsters and orders for "Shark Jaw go to warehouse 17 and set an ambush...Keep checking 79th Street...", and other orders. It was perfect. Suddenly he spotted an orange figure crouching through the corner. He quickly adjusted the x-ray and infra red frequencies to a higher level and scanned the area spotting three more all hiding in the building across the alley way. Ducking into the shadows he continued his surveillance. He spotted an open window above him�there might be a back door that he could use. He pulled out a strange object that he clipped to his dart gun. Quickly producing a large dart, he slid it into the object attached to the dart gun. He took quick aim and shot the dart, and cord, up into the window. Detaching the grapple launcher he attached it to his belt and swiftly and silently climbed the wall and disappeared into the building. It was empty and large but he suddenly spotted more orange figures. He crouched and readied his dart gun and then realized they were in the building next to him! He still had his infrared and x-ray sensors on high power. He counted the figures. 3 in one room, 3 just outside that room, and another 3, the ones he had seen below, at the door.

Opening a window, Agent Funny Face peered across the alley towards the adjacent building. He could see the light on and the window was open. Moving to another window he spotted a large radio antenna. So this must be their headquarters for the night. The guard still stood in the alley. He probably had a radio and would alert them if anyone approached the door. He would remain in the shadows and come out behind anyone who tried to bust into the place. But for now the only problem the guard posed for Agent Funny Face was simply the possibility of hearing him. Reaching into his coat he felt around until he found the clip of darts he wanted. His dart gun could shoot a clip of five darts. It required manual cocking after every 5 shots but was quite useful. He slipped out his stun darts and replaced it with the sonic receivers. It was basically a bug that could be fired onto a person's coat or into a wooden wall to listen into a conversation. He placed a special range and targeting device onto the dart gun. It communicated with his glasses and placed a targeting cursor on them. So where ever he pointed the gun a little crosshairs would hover where the bullet would hit according to the range and movement of the gun. It helped with shots like this where the target wasn't moving. Sprang! Thwump! The dart imbedded itself in the wood just barely. It began receiving and transmitting upon impact. Funny Face tuned his head phone's in and listened. Someone was on the phone.

"Either you take him out on 25 grand or not. That is my limit!" a phone slammed down and the voice began speaking rapidly to someone. "He has obviously escaped your men, Sting Ray." Funny Face was surprised. Sting Ray was here? He quickly removed his clip and loaded in a different dart clip. Homing signals. These particular ones were tuned to transmit directly to the waiting cops so they could roar in and arrest the criminals. He aimed at the side of the building. Sprang! Thwump! Suddenly the radio he had pick pocketed crackled to life. Funny Face stared at it horrified and suddenly the talking in the room stopped. He saw an orange figure stand up and walk towards the window. He ducked down and continued watching through the wall. The figure stopped and looked out the window. It half turned and then bent over to examine the window frame. Shoot they have found me! Funny Face thought frantically.

"Hey boss! look at this. It looks like some type of mic." Funny Face could hear every word.

"Well crush it!" He heard the mic drop and watched an orange figure stamp at the floor. Getting up he thumbed on the radio and heard orders being barked out for everyone to get back to headquarters. Now he really had to run. Suddenly he heard a door smash and splinter somewhere below and feet pounding in. He glanced through the floor and could see three orange silhouettes moving through the building professionally checking the warehouse downstairs. He had to get out of here!


John said...


Anonymous said...

I feel the love John. Of course.. this comment is rather late.

Wow... very exciting Jonathan. Like usual. :-)