Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Mission

It was dark. The nurses occasionally went by to do some task or other. AFF lay in a hospital bed dozing. He had learned to sleep lightly ever since his training and would wake up each time they went by. Now resting comfortably, he slipped his glasses on and flipped the x-ray vision on. He spotted several nurses in the hallway outside and he glanced lazily at the window…and spotted someone climbing the fire escape two floors below!

This was not good! How could anyone have traced him to the hospital? His right arm was immobilized but he quickly reached into his pillow with his left hand. He produced his dart gun and cocked it with some difficulty. Now let the intruder come! He turned on the targeting mode in the glasses. The cross hairs appeared hovering in mid-air wherever he pointed his dart gun.

Soon the intruder poked his head over the edge and looked into the room. He quickly applied a nifty device to the window and silently opened it up and dropped inside. Clothed entirely in black, the figure was hung about with odd shaped bundles. Some of them AFF recognized. Binoculars, holster, ammo clips, radio, pouches for grenades, and other strange objects. The black figure approached AFF’s bed.

“Who goes there!” AFF challenged.

“It is Bob! I’ve brought you some sandwiches with extra mustard, some hard boiled eggs, and some nice refreshing water too.” Everything checked out. The “sandwiches” were really orders, extra mustard was meaningless…just a check to make sure the courier was the real thing. The “hard boiled eggs” were gadgets and weapons and the “Nice refreshing water” was really just some fresh batteries for his glasses. He even included the ‘is’ instead of saying “it’s Bob” which was of utmost importance or the courier was a fake.

“What do they have for me this time, Bob?”

“Well sir, the Agency has found some extremely violent drug gangs operating in another district. They want you to try again…see if you can’t nab some of the ring leaders this time. Is your arm sufficiently healed, sir?”

“It is almost better…rather stiff when I work it but I can manage if I don’t get into any fist fights.”

“Good. I am to accompany you as back up as well, seeing as how you might be slightly out of shape what with your arm and having spent three weeks doing little besides eating and sleeping, sir.”

“What? Well…I s’pose you can come along…but let me warn you…the firing can get pretty hot sometimes. When do we go?”

“Well we have some sources who say that tomorrow night there is a big meeting. All the big boss men are going to be there and we are going to try and find out what is going on. See if we can’t get some evidence against these drug dealers for the courts. Once we have ample evidence against them we call in the SWAT teams and catch them all in the act.”

“That easy, eh? Well something is liable to go awry. These drug lords have way too many goons running loose with happy trigger fingers. Besides I have been thinking about that sniper I ran into…he is good…he somehow figured out how to evade my infra-red, x-ray, and night vision. I only got out alive because I used his night vision against him…put a flashlight on the list of equipment to take. Say and what is all that gear strapped to you for? You look like you are prepared for world war 3!”

“Well these are your spare batteries and I brought you a rocket dart launcher just like you asked. Here are your orders. I am to take them with me when I leave though. But you can inspect everything and make sure it is what you wanted for the mission tomorrow.”

15 minutes later “Bob” slipped back out the window and the room was just the same as before. AFF began pondering his next mission. He slowly fell asleep turning the mission over and over in his mind, memorizing it, the location, objectives…targets…zzzz.

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